Wednesday, August 31, 2011

La Dee Da

Alright!  Haha so... It's Wednesday.. and I have about 5 minutes of homework tonight!  YES!!!  I am so incredibly excited.  Today was my third day of high school, and I already feel as though I've been going to Reno for years!  Crazy!  My new objective is to never be late for biology, be organized, take great notes, meet new people, do my homework, and have a great time!  So far I think I'm good...  Any new objectives of any sort for you people?  Let me tell you, my backpack... Is SO heavy.  I have 6 binders, one for English, one for Drama, one for Geometry, one for Speech and Debate, one for Biology, and one for Spanish.  All in all I have 5 binders that go into my backpack.  Plus 2 textbooks.  Although, lucky me, I don't need to take my Spanish textbook home, and my Geometry book is soon going to be available online, so I won't have to take that home either!  Yay!  Otherwise I have away too much stuff.  So, that's my report for now... It's probably pretty unorganized and stuff because I'm not really reading through what I've typed, and I'm blasting the radio, and yeah.  Haha so later!

KRZQ Radio

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Goo Goo Dolls

Alright!  So last night I went to see the Goo Goo Dolls in concert with one of my best friends, and I also scored in seeing the two opening acts, Parachute and Michelle Branch perform!  Bunches of fun.  Parachute is a pretty neat band, and even though we missed part of their act by arriving late it was made up for because of the fact that Parachute has a hot drummer guy named Johnny who's cuter than the lead singer in my opinion, but that doesn't matter since we got pictures with both of them!  Ahahaha.  Michelle Branch was fun to listen to, even though I only can sing along with about three of her songs.  As for the main act, the GOO GOO DOLLS, it's a shame that I only know three of their songs.  Iris, Slide, and Name.  Look them up.  For the most part, the concert was super fun and cool.  The best part?  Whipping out super dorky dance moves like the Lawnmower and the Cowboy and the Shoe and jumping around like crazy maniacs! :)  so awesome.  Well, that's all for my evening review, because someone only got about 4 and a half hours of sleep after going to the "the Sev"* for a Slurpee and watching tons of horror movies until finally crashing at 4:30 this morning, so someone doesn't want to sit on the computer typing.  Especially because ouch the computer is hot (?) and burning my legs.  So goodbye people!

* please don't call the 7-11 gas station market  "the Sev."  It sounds too wannabe cool.

The World We Live In
The Killers

Goodnight, Travel Well
The Killers.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reason Number One

I told you I would get back to you about How I Met Your Mother, and so now I am.  Ok, so I have a new favorite television show.  True, I'm not a huge fan of television, true, I wish I wasn't as connected to technology as I currently am, and once again true, when school starts in 12 days I will probably be watching waaaaaay less television than I currently am.  However, I am determined that that will not hinder my extreme, profound and unconditional love for the series, How I Met Your Mother.  Moving on-  the entire reason I am writing this post, is to start a new series of posts all about How I Met Your Mother, and just exactly why I love it.

Reason the first: one thing that annoys me so, so much in other, not amazing, televised sitcoms, is the fact that when one character does something totally crazy and out of the norm in a public place, no one seems to notice.  For random example:  two characters get into a shouting match in a library, and one character jumps on the others back, other patrons in the library continue reading their books as though nothing is going on.  That's crazy!!!!  If I were in that library, I would be staring at those two like "What in the world?!!?!???"  So, I especially appreciated the episode "The Platinum Rule" where Barney goes crazy (well, he pretty much is hilariously insane all the time) and decides that his ex-girl friend is trying to kill him, and slaps a hamburger out of Marshall's hands in order to protect him, because of course his ex will try to kill all of his friends first in order to get to him.  Anyways, in the scene where Barney runs screaming across the bar in order to slap a burger from Marshall's hands, everyone in the bar looks at him like he is a mad man.  Finally!  A crazy scene that makes sense!  Thank you!!  Plus it was also, hilarious, hahahaha.  So yes, that was reason one of my extreme love for this sitcom.  Thank you.

Karma Police


The Temper Trap

Stay Beautiful
Taylor Swift

The World Record

Hey guys!  I recently discovered this new band, known as The World Record, and I must say, I quite like their music!  The first time I had ever heard of them was this morning, when I was watching How I Met Your Mother and heard about 20 seconds of their song, We're Number One (Check the Score).  And I will get back to you on HIMYM later.....  But anyways, they are a pretty neat band, and if you decide you like their music, and would maybe consider purchasing some of their songs, you can get them for cheap on their band website!  Yay!  Cheap music!!! :)

HEY!!!!  Tell me about any other little know amazing bands that I might not know about!  Sometimes, you might be surprised at how much amazing music there is out there, just waiting for you to find it!  It's like a treasure hunt :)

See Saw
The World Record

Revolution 1
The Beatles

Catch Hell Blues
The White Stripes

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dear Julie, Sincerely Sierra

Hey!  When you were talking about sad songs, you forgot this one!!!!

And yes, it's a Pink Floyd song.  You should be proud of me, because I love this song.  It's pretty intense.

New Slang
The Shins


Blushing is a human form of expression that can mean a bunch of things.  You blush when you are embarrassed, when you laugh, when a cute guy looks at you.... If you're lucky, or maybe unlucky, depending on how you look at it, you don't blush at all.  Ever.  Maybe you're the type of person who blushes a lot.  Or maybe you're pretty normal and blush at pretty normal times.  (i.e. embarrassing moments, laughing, cute guys.)  I am going to share a blush story with you now.

Once upon a time I went to the grocery store.  The bagger guy at the register was very cute and he smiled at me.  I blushed.  The end.

Hahaha pretty lame story, right???  Anyways, I was inspired to write this story, because gosh darn it, blushing can be annoying!  I wish I was all cool at that moment in Raleys, but noooooo, I have to turn all red in the face.  That's why, if you want to practice getting good at flirting with guys while keeping cool, it's best to talk to them in a dark lit area or at night!  That way, if you're blushing, they can't tell, plus you get more comfortable with talking to cute guys!  Then, by the time you've graduated to full scale sunlight, you can keep totally cooler than cool.  (iiiiiiice cold!!!!)

Also, my last tip for talking to guys-  just talk to them as if they were one of your friends!  It's not weird or awkward talking to a friend, right?

Hey!  You!  If you liked this post and had any tips of your own to add, go ahead an comment away! :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

High School Schedule!

So my high school schedule came in the mail today.  Which is... pretty.... EXCITING! :)  I literally sat out waiting for the mailman to come to day.  I don't think I've ever done that before.

So.  My locker is number 978, which is who know's where, and here is my class schedule!

1. Honor's English
2. Theatre
3. Formal Geometry
4. Speech and Debate
5. Biology
6. Frosh Seminar
7. Spanish 3

I'm pretty pleased as punch about my schedule.  First thing I'm happy about, is that Frosh Mentoring is sixth period!  I really did not want it to be one on my first classes, because I'm planning on doing a lot of homework in that class, and if it was the first class I wouldn't have much homework to do!  Secondly, my classes go like this: core, elective, core, elective, core, elective, homework time, and core.  Perfect!  So.  I'm excited for high school.  What are you guys excited for?

(and by you guys I mean Julie, the only one who reads my blog)

Luv ya Julie! :)

Calling All Angels

It Is What It Is