Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pizza Mush

As you know, I recently got braces.  Yay!  They don't hurt as excruciatingly bad as all my buddies said they would, however the one thing that has bugged me has been my quad helix thingy.  It gives me a 'speethch imphediment', makes is hard to swallow/chew and cuts into my poor wittle tongue!  Ouchies!  It's getting better all the time* though, so don't worry 'bout me!  Adjusting is so odd for me though!  I was hangin with a bunch of friends on Friday, and they were all munching on pizza while I was slurping soup, and we were joking about shoving some pizza into the blender so I wouldn't miss out.  After thinking about it for a while, I decided that actually wouldn't be too horrible.  My friends were grossed out, and thought i was pr-eeetty insane.  So what did I do?  Naturally, I go home, make some pizza, and jam it into the food processor.   It wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be.  It had a texture kind of like mushed up rice, and it tasted exactly like pizza!  My sister screamed as soon as I walked into the room with it, and my parents laughed at me like they couldn't believe I actually went through with my crazy plan.  Me?  I had a lot of fun laughing at myself.  So, if you get braces, (or have them), take my advice and don't be afraid of experimenting!  You won't be bored ever again.

*haha I'm a Beatles nerd, what can I say?


  1. i'm actualy thinking about trying that sometime.... :) sounds wonderful!

  2. haha you sick sick person! haha ILY Sierra!
