Monday, March 19, 2012

YOU ARE A RADAR detector

I'm not sure if it's his real hair.  If it is, I really would love to cut it for him.  If it's a wig, then cool for him and his spunk!  But otherwise I think he could manage just dandy with short hair, as long as he's still rockin that moustache. 

This picture is the epitome of Mr. Darwin Deez, the artist that gave me my new favourite song.  Neat-o, oversized sweater, standard and lovely buildings, and flurries of boxed mashed potatoes.  It doesn't really make sense, but it just works.  To be honest, I'm not very familiar with his work as I just discovered him last night and have only listened to that particular song a couple of times, but I love it!  He's just a funky guy from North Carolina who enjoys making music and quirky videos- all in all a pretty awesome hipster indie mashup of a character.  He's one of those guys I wish I was friends with, because I feel like artsy and random people are definite keepers as friends, just so long as he's not an arrogant musician or anything.  They get annoying.  But I would want to have a couch painting party with him.  With fun lights and comic strips.  That sounds good to me.

I advise you to listen to Radar Detector by him, and check out the video too!  It's like the picture- doesn't quite make sense, but it works.

You are a radar


  1. My honest view: I like your writing style. I don't really like this guy, or the song though...while's not really my thing I guess, but you have fun at that couch painting party!
