Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Sunglasses

Ahhh summer.  The fresh green leaves, running through sprinklers, the warm, warm sun........ burning you and turning you red and flaky and making every single move harshly painful!  Luckily for us, there are little things called sunscreen and sunglasses to combat those nasty little side affects.  But, let's face it- not everything about our peeper screeners are that great.

pro: They look super cool, and there’s a million different styles to choose from.  When you find that pair of sunglasses that fits just perfectly, it’s completely amazing.  They vary from neon coloured to aviator to antique and everything in between and getting that perfect pair is fantastic.

con: There’s a million different styles to choose from.  Just as this can be a good thing, it can majorly suck when you spend forever looking at shades and none of them work quite right.  Because no one likes spending that much time and energy on a stupid fashion accessory.

pro: They protect your eyes!  This is obviously one feature of sunglasses that can’t be overlooked.  Looking cool AND saving your eyes from UVray damage?  Uhmm yes please!

con: Your shirt cannot support them.  Maybe it’s just me, but I’m sure everyone has had this moment.  You walk indoors from a bright sunny day, and, not wanting to wear sunglasses indoors (see rehab glasses), you take them off and hang them on the front of your shirt.  This should work great, until that moment when you lean over to inspect something and WHAM!  Your sunglasses slip from your shirt and crash you the floor.  If this has never happened to you, trust me- it sucks.

pro- Rehab glasses!  For all you party animals out there, sunglasses can provide a mighty fine trick for those days when you need a quick-fix hangover remedy.  No, I am not encouraging getting wasted (I’m high- on life!!!) but a little thing called Urban Dictionary reminded me of this handy little tool.  Got red eyes?  Simply slip a pair of sunglasses on and wear indoors!  Tadaa!

con- They scratch.  One of the most annoying things about sunglasses is that they scratch easily.  Sure, you can go out and spend money on a sturdy pair that won’t dent unless you take a sledgehammer to them, but let’s be honest- I have no money to spend on such frivolous things.  So I face the rays with my steadfast, 10 dollar glasses and get to deal with the little nicks and scrapes that are collected during the summer.  Oh well.
Now that you’ve been informed about sunglasses, hopefully you’ll find a pair that suit you and head out to enjoy the summer!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I have literally 20 pairs of miscellaneous sunglasses lying on my kitchen table at the moment, and only like three pairs are worthy of wear! Sad :( I love more than anything finding that PERFECT pair!
