Saturday, May 26, 2012

This video is really weird, but it was also strangely interesting and compelled me to watch.  Check it out and tell me what you think.  Then, after watching that semi-love story, watch this video:

This one was directed by Drew Barrymore, and I found it to be very intriguing.  It's a Romeo and Juliet style romance, that's sweet, yet painful, but still a good piece.  I like this song too, and as a bonus, it teaches a good moral.  Don't join gangs or fight on rooftops, kids!

To top everything of, watch this and start dancing like this from now on.  DO IT.  It's gonna be a new crazy fun dance step.

Lots o love.


  1. I like the love story video, but I have so say, that guy seems like a bit of a dick. I'm not quite sure how to interpret it, but it is well made, although the sound of the petals being plucks freaks me out. It sounds like a huge slab of meat hitting a table, raw.
