Thursday, April 7, 2011

Au Revoir!

Hey guys!  Or should I say goodbye.... I'm leaving for Spring Holiday!  Finally!  Although it doesn't look very spring-like at the moment.  It's snowing.  (sigh)  So, in about 4 hours I will be on an airplane flying to Denver!  I'm going to spend tonight and I'm pretty sure tomorrow morning at my Aunt's and Uncle's house there, visiting various family members, then my Aunt, Uncle, and Grandma and I will be boarding a plane to London!  From London we take the Chunnel (underwater train thing!) to Paris.  I'm pretty psyched.  It seems so surreal right now though... I can't believe I'm actually going..  Hmmm strange.  Anyways, I love you all and will miss you all and promise to post tons of pictures when I get back! Bye everyone!


1 comment:

  1. LYLAS! Have an amazingly fun trip! Txt me some pics, and i'll do da same! TTFN! :)
